Monday, April 28, 2008
posted by heather at 8:23 AM

Since this self-discipline, need to start today thing is so hard for me, I've decided to record actual progress, however small a step it may be on a day to day basis, when it happens instead of my normal weekly report card. Because the pattern of weeks past, if I average out the weeks, I get a flunking grade. And that's discouraging. If I take it a day at a time and can cheer myself on for the little things, maybe it'll motivate me to keep up those little steps. And it takes lots of little steps to cover a great distance, right?

Anyway. I had a great walk yesterday. I got up early (6:30am) and took a 4 mile walk by myself. It was so nice. Not only getting out and getting active, but the quiet early morning, listening and observing the beauty of our neighborhood, the birds, the bunnies, the flowers and trees. Walking fast and tall and not having to lug a stroller up and down the hills. Just being able to hear my own thoughts, not having to listen to the kids fight or complain in the stroller. It really felt so good. I'd get up at 6:30 every day and do that.
Problem is, my husband leaves for work during the week at 6:30. So if I want that walk during the week, I'd have to be getting up at 5:30. Uh yeah. It was nice, but not that nice!!

I may try a goal of doing it when Ryan gets home each day. I'd say evenings, even after the kids go to bed, but the problem is, I just like to hang out in the evenings. Which is also why even though I have every intention of heading down the the work-out room around the corner at our clubhouse in the evenings, I never actually do it. I like hanging out with my husband. Morning's nice because everyone's still in bed; I'm not missing out on anything. It might be nice to have a little break to myself right when Ryan gets home from work though.
We'll see what happens the rest of the week.

Still wish I had a walking buddy! Maybe I'll fish around for one in the neighborhood...



At April 28, 2008 at 4:58 PM, Blogger Nicole

I'd love to be able to work out in the mornings (ok, not for another month or so... I'm still on my "pregnancy leave" from exercising HAHA!) but worse than you... myRy leaves at freaking 5:40am to be to work at 6. Ick. Sometimes I'm jealous of people whose hubby's work 9-5ish... and they have mornings to spend with them (or... mornings for them to wrangle the kids while they work out or shower or whatever...)


At April 28, 2008 at 4:59 PM, Blogger Nicole

OK that sounded queer "worse than you" I mean... like you, you know... "like you, my ry leaves early"

*shaking head because I am now officially rambling*


At July 10, 2008 at 2:34 PM, Blogger Katie

How is this going these days?? Any update?