Saturday, April 26, 2008
posted by heather at 1:30 PM

Not much to say here, but I didn't want to be avoiding this journal either.
Same ol', same ol'.
I have a number of excuses (a couple of physical emergencies, family in town, a tad of a depression funk, blah, blah, blah) and seem to have countless things that will "remotivate me" each new week (the beautiful weather, buying a new swimsuit, planning vacations, blah, blah, blah), but still here I sit.

At least I'm maintaining. I lost five pounds from the start of all this, and in the midst of being completely lazy and nonchalant with my exercise and eating habits, at least that's not snuck back up on me. I still today am a solid 152lbs. Sad thing is, that's the same as a month ago.

It's discouraging to think where I could be right now if I really truly tried and kept up on what I know I need to be doing. If I had really worked at it, I could have dropped a lot more than that measly five pounds in the last almost 2 months. So tomorrow's a new day, right? Problem is, I find myself thinking that every day.

I wish I had someone close by in this same spot I am, to motivate each other and to be more accountable in real life... to call me up or to show up at my house with those walking shoes on!

Anyway, I have no bold claims to make about the week ahead. I'm just going to set an internal goal to do better. I have a couple of things in mind to try to get myself into some new habits. Who knows, maybe I'll surprise myself and actually make some progress...



At April 26, 2008 at 3:47 PM, Blogger jenny

holding steady is better than slowly gaining! i've been stuck too. then just when the weather gets nice - we get more snow! ergh. wish i was there to help motivate - the buddy system always works best!

good luck on getting back in the swing of things in the coming weeks!


At April 26, 2008 at 7:41 PM, Blogger jessica

I hear you. I am getting fatter by the day. I know what I need to do, and I can't seem to get my butt off the couch, or keep away from those second helpings and cookies.

I am frustrated at my own lack of self control. That's all there is to it. It is hard to change habbits, and I've never had good ones.


At April 26, 2008 at 8:23 PM, Blogger Nicole

I always seem to have that mentality too... "Tomorrow's another day... I can start being good tomorrow"...

But, as the other said... holding steady for a month is better than gaining :)


At April 28, 2008 at 10:43 AM, Blogger Michelle Leigh

I hear ya Heather. I am in a rut too. It sucks, but tomorrow is another day and as long as you didn't gain a bunch, you can still make good progress.