Third place in the competition this first week!
Can I keep it up?
I really didn't do much different last week... my priorities were simply not snacking and paying attention to what I was eating and being satisfied without feeling full.
I only got out and walked to work-out once.
It's too cold to walk the rest of the week, so I'll be checking out what's On Demand for fitness. Or maybe get one of these videos again from the library. They have a set of those at Costco I was really tempted by. I really like her routines.
I just couldn't justify the money... I spent $30 for this "race", I'm spending $30 next month for a water aerobics class (love those!!) and I couldn't comfortably spend another $30 on walking DVD's, when it seems my neighborhood sidewalk should suffice. I'm not going to be walking in these zero degree temps this week tho.