Wednesday, March 5, 2008
posted by heather at 8:35 AM

I'm trying to ease into this exercise thing. I have never been one to be very good at this. I walk. I like to walk. But that's about the extent of my physical activity.
The only time in my life I did any other regular exercise was about 6 months of water aerobics with a friend. I loved that. And I'd love to do it again... I need to look into that for times and cost.
Also, we have a clubhouse in our neighborhood with a weight room we have access to for free. I heard they just got some new machines in there, so I'm planning on checking that out this week. I think I'd like to try at least the treadmill for awhile.

In the meantime, you know what I'm loving? Did you know if you have cable that they have free On Demand exercise programs?! It's awesome! I did a couple over the weekend... Rock Steady: Abs, and some other walking/aerobic routine. I loved them both. I think I'll really like browsing through the options here and the variety of different programs. I can easily mix it up and do strength/toning, or aerobics, or yoga, or whatever I'm in the mood for. Change it up and keep it interesting.

Also, I've done my new video with the kids a couple of times and we're still enjoying that. Besides last week when I did way too much and was sore for two whole days, we put it on last night and all four of us were doing it together. It was really fun doing it as a family. The kids and I also did a few short clips of it this morning.

But back to my old stand-by; walking... we're off for a snowy sunny morning walk right now. I love walking around the neighborhoods in the snow... it's so pretty... especially the ponds.
